君行天下i 发表于 2018-5-30 10:27:55


关于值机—问路Do you know where I can check in?你知道在哪里可以值机吗?Do you know where the check in counter is?你知道值机柜台在哪里吗?—座位Can I have a window seat, please?可以给我一个靠窗的位子吗?Can I have an aisle seat, please?可以给我一个靠近过道的位子吗?—行李托运行李:check-in luggage手提行李:hand-baggage / carry-on luggageI would like to check in my luggage.我想要托运行李。How many luggages are you checking in?有多少件托运行李?Do you have a carry on?有手提行李没?Can you place your baggage up here?请把行李放上来。Your luggage is overweight.你的行李超重了。The packing of this box is not adequate. Please go over tothat counter to have it properly packed.这个箱子包装不符合要求,请到那边柜台打个包。Is this bag OK as hand luggage?这个包可以随身带上飞机吗?Can I take this through security?这个可以通过安检吗?Can I check my luggage through to...?行李可以直接托运到(终点站)吗?—登机Which gate do I need to board from?我应该在几号登机口登机?When do I need to board?什么时间开始登机?—关于候机—问路How can I find a trolley?我怎样才能找到行李推车?Do you know where the Airport lounges is?你知道机场休息室在哪吗?Do you know where the smoking area/room is?你知道吸烟区/室在哪里吗?—询问Is my flight on time?我乘坐的飞机会准点起飞吗?How many hours are we behind schedule?我们延误多长时间?Where is the restroom?洗手间在哪?—关于乘机—行李Where should I put my luggages?行李应放在哪里?May I put my bag on the rack?我能把包放在行李架上吗?No, you can't. You should place it under your seat.不可以。你应该把它放在座位下面。—座位Where is my seat?我的座位在哪里?Can you show me the way to my seat?您能带我去座位吗?Could you change my seat,please?请问能不能换一下我的座位?Would you mind trading seats with me?你介意和我换座吗?Where is the safety belt?安全带在哪里?Is it all right to loosen my seat belt?现在可以解开安全带了吗?—餐饮Is there a meal served on this flight?飞机上供应餐食吗?Would you like something to drink?你想要喝点什么?May I have coffee/tea/juice/water?我要一杯咖啡/茶/饮料/水,可以吗?Would you like a beverage before your meal?你想要餐前饮料吗?May I take your tray away?我可以收走你的盘子吗?Are you finished with that?你吃完了吗?—服务This one is the call button, if you need us, please push it.这是呼叫钮,如果需要我们帮忙,请按一下。Please put the back of your seat in upright position.请将您的椅背调直。Could I get another blanket, please,I'm a little cold.可以再给我一条毛毯吗?我有点冷。May I have a blanket/a pillow/a headset/a pair of slippers?请给我一条毛毯/一个枕头/一副耳机/一双拖鞋好吗?Could I get a newspaper/ a magazine?请给我一份报纸/一本杂志好吗?Could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration form?可以给我一支笔填入境表吗?—生病I feel sick.我觉得恶心。I'm not feeling well.我觉得不舒服。I'm going to throw up.我要吐了。Let me get the airsick bag ready.让我先把呕吐袋准备好。—关于转机—问路Where is the transfer counter?转机柜台在哪里?Where do I make my connection?请问要转机的话应该怎么走?Which gate should I go to then?请问需要去几号登机口?Where can I get my baggage/luggage?我要在哪里取行李?What terminal does my flight leave from at A airport?我应该在A机场的哪个航站楼转机?—询问What is your final destination?请问你的最终目的地是哪里?Have I missed my connection?我错过我的转机航班了吗?Could you please give me your old boarding pass?I'll giveyou a new one.可以请你给我旧的登机牌吗?我给你新的。How long is my transfer time?换乘时间有多久?Do I need to go through Immigration for connection flights?我在转机时需要重新出境再入境吗?Will I have to claim and re-check my baggage for connectingflights?转机是不是需要再次托运我的行李?—入境姓:Family name,Surname名:First Name,Given name性别:sex,gender男:male女:female国籍:nationality,country of citizenship护照号:passport number原住地:country of origin前往国:destination country登机城市:city where you boarded签证签发地:city where visa was issued签发日期:date of issue出生日期:date of birth,birth date年:year 月:month 日:day偕行人数:accompanying number签名:signature官方填写:official use only职业:occupation
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